Wednesday, May 03, 2006

India - Cursed ???

11 June 2000 : Rajesh Pilot - Killed in a road accident .

24 Aug 2000: P R Kumaramangalam - Died of prolonged illness.

30 Sept 2001:Madhavrao Scindia - Killed in a plane crash.

3 June 2006:Pramod Mahajan - Died of bullet injuries.

These are just a few I can think of. What is happening to Indian politics ? One after another, every seemingly good actors are being erased from the dirtiest drama of the world. The young charismatic leaders who had kept alive the little faith that people had in transformation of Indian governance are being talked about in past tense. A dirty game is getting even more dirty with most of the referees getting out of the scene. I don't intend to say these were the only saviours for Indian polity. but these would've added a new angle to any new government and set things in motion in somewhat the right direction. With every person that much amount of direction in lost in a game where the whims and fancies of a few people decides the fate of hundreds of millions.

That's just one part of the story. Who are these people being replaced by ? They're being replaced by their sons and daughters. Who neither have the wisdom that these people had which they gained through their experience nor are they naturals like these people were. They are just there because their parents had been there unlike their parents who had made a mark on their own. Every political party wants to bank on the sympathy votes rather than letting the best candidate in the fray. Why not we be ruled by kings like good old days where the son of a king will be the next one. That way we won't be making a mockery of "democracy" like we are doing now.


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